Double Knitting Great technique for a seamless amulet. I learned it from Donna Druchanas when she posted about Condom Amulets on her Knitting for Change site in 2006. Her directions include illustrations to help get you started. You can turn out an amulet closed on three sides, open on the top like this one with yarn from China. Thanks, Donna!
Butterfly stitch Kay Gardiner of Mason*Dixon Knitting taught me this one for making a cord. She uses it on her Ballband Key Chain Amulet.
Faggot stitch Works for an open look, here i
n a pin-back amulet (right), cast on 18 stitches (this is lightweight chenille yarn) *K1, YO, K2tog*, repeat every row. Units of 3 sts can make it wider or narrower (far right). instructions here for faggot-cord stitch.
Recycled UFOs When I began the project, knitters offered me small amounts of yarn leftovers. Teva Durham had just completed Loop D Loop Knitting and gave me a bagfull of discards from samples tried for the book.
This sleeve was from a sweater. I turned it upside-down, sewed up the side and... a Condom Amulet. Looks to me like a cross between bracelet and a wrist-warmer. Good for casual wear and will hold many more than pictured, plus a female condom.
Ideas you have are welcome here. Send an email to [email protected] with the details.